After centuries of isolation, the Mountain Lords once again fuel their forges and blow their war horns.

Meanwhile, from the north awakens a new power. Rebel forces gather at the fringe of the realm to counter the Queen's fanatics. Isabel, now worshiped as a Saint, leads a merciless inquisition to purge the Empire of any trace of corruption.

The Empire is paralyzed by a vicious civil war, having barely recovered from the massive conflict against the demon hordes and the undead legions. Queen Isabel's war is over and the Griffin Empire is on its knees. Take part into a thrilling new adventure in the world of Ashan with the Hammers of Fate expansion for Heroes of Might and Magic V. Requires the base game Might & Magic® Heroes® V in order to play

The multiplayer online services for the title are shut down but the solo features will remain available.Any In-game News and Player Stats services will be shut down.